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Marketplace Events by the Numbers

Consumer Buying Power
93% Are homeowners
87% Are between 36-65 years of age
73% Attend with a partner (both decision makers!)
54% Female | 46% Male
79% Attend with a project in mind
$27.5K Average renovation budget
$129K+ Average household income
75% Plan to purchase from our exhibitors
77% Likely to return to the show
4M Unique web visitors

14,000 exhibitors annually
2.7 million square feet of space sold annually
70% exhibitor renewal rate
50+ Exhibit Sales Consultants in 12 offices

Satisfaction + Trust in our Brand

97% of show visitors rate the quality of the show's vendors as "excellent" or "very good"
78% of show visitors rate their overall satisfaction as "very satisfied" or "satisfied"

79% of exhibitors are "very satisfied" or "satisfied" with how the show met their expectations
73% of exhibitors would "definitely" or are "likely to" recommend the show to a potential exhibitor

Contact a member of our team for more information on how you can realize real results at a Marketplace Events consumer show.
Jill Kivett
Vice President, Sponsorship
 Rosanna Hrabnicky
National Sponsorship Manager
1847 W Broadway, Suite 212
Vancouver, BC  V6J 1Y6
P: 604-639-2288
F: 604-639-2289
Email Jill
 31105 Bainbridge Road, Suite 3
Solon, OH  44139
P: 888-248-9751 ext. 104
F: 440-264-2981
Email Rosanna

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In a world where customer service has gone by the wayside, Marketplace Events is remarkable in assisting you with every question and concern.
Felicia W.
Home Show Exhibitor

Marketplace Events Produced Shows Recognized By Better Homes & Gardens Magazine

Jan 13, 2020

Northwest Flower & Garden Festival and Southern Spring Home & Garden Show take top two spots in Better Homes & Gardens Magazine top five list.

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